With the sales volume of FGtech Galletto 2 Master keeps going. The FGtech Galletto 2 Master is very popular in our company. And our FGtech Galletto 2 Master also has received many reviews from our customers. I will share the frequently question about FGtech Galletto 2 Master from our customers, and the solutions about FGtech Galletto 2 Master also as below.
1. The newest version FGtech Galletto 2 Master need to registration information when open it.
1) Make sure you have inserted the dongle of FGtech Galletto 2 Master into your picture, and install the drive of FGtech Galletto 2 Master Dongle.
2) Make sure you computer have not the others version FGtech Galletto 2 information, be avoid the software of FGtech Galletto 2 conflict.
2. The FGtech Galletto 2 cannot open successfully.
Solutions: One reason is the FGtech Galletto 2 Master hardware USB Drive have not installed correctly. You must make sure that the FGtech Galletto 2 device manger on your PC--can found Fgtech USB option. The other reason is the old version conflict the new version. Delete the any FGtech file on your computer.
Any other problem about FGtech Galletto 2 Master or Ecu Tunning, feel free to contact us on OBD2 Scan Tool Supplier - EOBD2.net.